
Statement of Purpose

The Race, Culture and Equality (RACE) Working Group, established in 2015, aims to encourage and undertake geographical research, curriculum development and positive action for change on race, racism and racial oppression. Its objectives are to:

* Promote scholarship on topics of racial inequality, colonisation, decolonisation and whiteness, and encourage dialogue on race that advances academic knowledge and progressive practice. It challenges the on-going effects of Geography’s imperial history, such as the over-validation of Euro-American theory and historical geographies of colonialism and exploration.

* Decolonise teaching curricula and pedagogy, encourage the critical study of race, and support staff in developing innovative approaches to teaching race, racism and racial oppression.

* Draw attention to, research and confront the oppressive racializing and racist forces and structures in faculty, the student body, and institutions of higher education and research in Geography, and promote initiatives that improve the representation, progression, support and experiences of people of colour (or BME groups) in the discipline.

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